Procedures for exporting medical masks


  1. Regulations on exporting medical masks

Medical mask products are identified as medical equipment according to Decree 36/2016/ND-CP on management of medical equipment and amendments and supplements. Accordingly, the basic documents required to export medical masks include:

  • Commercial invoice;
  • Packing list
  • Commercial contract;
  • Certificate of Origin

In addition, depending on each importing country, there will be requirements for medical masks belonging to medical equipment as follows:

– For Europe (EU) requires a legal CE certificate issued by a certification body designated by the European Commission (EC) that is authorized to evaluate and issue CE certification for medical masks and stickers. CE marking on the product.

– For the US: Must have an FDA registration number for medical masks to be able to export medical masks to the US.

– For other countries: Depending on different countries, there will be different certification requirements of that country, many countries only need a Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) issued by the Ministry of Health.

  1. Procedures for exporting medical masks

The General Department of Customs has Official Letter 2848/TCHQ-GSQL guiding the export of medical masks according to Resolution No. 60/NQ-CP dated April 29, 2020 of the Government on the export of medical masks in the period COVID-19 prevention and control, the General Department of Customs directs units to do the following:

The export of masks and medical masks must comply with the provisions of the Customs Law and guiding documents, and the customs declarant is not required to submit or present an export license. The customs authority shall create all favorable conditions for exports and comply with the law on customs.

Accordingly, there is no need for an export license when exporting medical masks. Customs dossiers when exporting medical masks are normally implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Law 2014, Circular 38/2015/TT-BTC, Circular 39/2018/TT-BTC amending and supplementing a number of regulations. Article in Circular No. 38/2015/TT-BTC dated March 25, 2015 of the Minister of Finance providing for customs procedures; customs inspection and supervision; export tax, import tax and tax administration for imported and exported goods.

Above is the content of the article Procedures for exporting medical masks according to the latest regulations, DAT sent to readers, if you have any questions, contact DAT for answers.